
Self Care Foundation Options:


The Chinese name Xing means Star. Stars are made up of hydrogen and helium which are the two lightest elements. Stars produce their own light and energy by using the elements already given to them. When they run out, they explode. 

It's time to step into your power and become the star that you are. You are a beautiful, powerful star. How do you tangibly become a star? How does this work with self care? Do the following... 

Stars produce their own light and energy by using the elements already given to them: discover your worthiness and love from inside yourself. You always choose yourself first in all circumstances. You use your own gifts and skills to produce the life of your dreams. 

Stars are also made up of hydrogen and helium which are the two lightest elements: Stars don't hold onto heaviness or anything that's not theirs. Don't hold on to limiting beliefs, don't let people's opinions dictate your choices, don't let fear rob you of your passions. Let go of all the things that are not serving you and your well being. Let go of all the heaviness. It wasn't met for you to carry, and it will hinder your beautiful, powerful self. Be light and stay true to who you are. 

When they run out, they explode: "though wise men at their end know dark is right... don't go gentle into that good night." - Dylan Thomas. Once you live the life you have dream and are proud of, go out with a bang. Celebrate all the milestones and lessons you have learned. You do not have to fade away. You're a star for goodness sake. Your legacy is met to live on. 

There is room for us all.