
Self Care Foundation Options: 


Grounding is a technique to bring you back down to the present moment. Sometimes, we can get so lost in our heads whether it be from a million different ideas we have, the long list of to-dos, or because of anxiety or depression. Grounding helps pull our minds to the present moment where our body is. Our minds are really good at tricking us to live in the future or in the past even though our body stays in the moment. 

Grounding will help you remember to enjoy and breathe in the moment. It helps us to learn how to truly live in the time of the present. There are many techniques for grounding, and I highly suggest doing some research on your end. For the self care foundation, I will be focusing on to live in the present moment. One of the most popular ways to do this is to go outside in nature. Nature will bring you back to your center. There are also many other ways to ground: cooking a meal, putting your hands in water, moving your body, and sex. My favorite way of grounding is to eat. When I eat a meal, I stay in the present to enjoy the textures and tastes along with any company that I might have. 

Grounding is about staying in the present moment and truly living now. Try out different techniques and see what works for you.