
Self Care Foundation Options:


It's time to learn how to regulate your emotions. One way to do this tangibly is through embodiment. A lot of us have a hard time regulating our emotions simply because we were never taught to do it. A lot of us were taught to ignore our emotions, especially the negative ones. It's time for this ideology to die. You are safe and able to learn, identify, and work through your emotions now. It is safe for you to feel all of your emotions, especially the "negative" ones. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are enough. You are whole. 

If you want to live a beautiful life where you love yourself and all your dreams come true, you have to learn emotional regulation. If you choose not to, you are not in control of your life. Your emotions are. Emotions are really special and allows us to feel. However, they should be like waves in the ocean: it washes upon you and then is released back into the ocean. I highly recommend looking into emotional regulation, exercises, and use movement to work through your emotions. If you don't release the emotion, it stays stored in your body as trauma and movement, once again, can help release it. 

Remember, emotions are just messengers. They bring us information and then they go away. Don't hold them hostage. You have the power to embody your emotions.