
Self Care Foundation Options: 


Journaling is one of the best ways to self care. For many of us, there are a million thoughts, ideas, conversations, dates, to-do lists, appointments, and scenarios playing in our heads constantly. It's almost as if we have 817 tabs open in our computer brain. We can get lost quite frequently and forget to be in the present moment and truly live. 

Journaling provides a way to literally get everything out of our heads and down on paper. It gives tangibleness to our thoughts so we can sort them into keeping what will serve us and throwing away what is hindering us. There are many ways you can journal: journaling prompts you give get, you can free write (this is my favorite), and you can create lists based on categories so you can see all of your ideas on paper. The list of possibilities with journaling are endless. This practice is really however you want to do it. I suggest trying a few different ways to see what best works for you and makes your mind the most at ease. Journaling allows for your brain to rest from the constant running marathon.   

Journaling can also be done at anytime of day. A lot of people will tell you one part of the day is better than the other, but that is simply not true. It only works if you find comfort in it at whatever time of the day feels good for you. So try different moments and see how your mind feels after each, and pick the one that's best for you.